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Daily Recipe: Shrimp & Pesto Pasta

Daily Recipe: Shrimp & Pesto Pasta

"Alright, so I'm having pasta for dinner, but I has sushi for lunch, so a combination of that should be tonight's recipe." That's the sentiment expressed by our IT guy, and we couldn't agree more. It's supposed to snow tonight in Colorado, and the temperature is supposed to drop as well, so something warm and a dish that will stick to the bones sounds ideal.

Daily Recipe: Italian Vegetable Hoagies

Daily Recipe: Italian Vegetable Hoagies

We're all doing what we can to cut costs in this economy. It is by no means an easy or entertaining task, but simple measures can pay off in huge ways. For instance, stop with the coffee shop visits. In a short time, you'll be surprised at the money saved. Beyond that, consider packing a lunch for your workday versus eating out. An added benefit of making a lunch, is you have complete control over the contents, so why not make it as healthy as you want to. These hoagies are a good jumping off point.

Daily Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas

Daily Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas

What's better on a cold Winter night than a healthy portion of a spicy dish? Add a little must-see-TV, a good romantic comedy, a quality book, or maybe just some dim lights and soft music and you've got a recipe for a perfect week night. In fact, that sounds akin to Heaven at the moment. While you decide which activity sounds the best for this cold Tuesday, we'll go ahead and offer some chicken enchiladas as the eats for the evening.

Daily Recipe: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Balsamic Drizzle

Daily Recipe: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Balsamic Drizzle

We've posted a variety of "healthed-up" french fry recipes, but we thought, "Hey, one more never hurt anyone." Besides, a guilt-free take on a classic comfort food is always welcomed. And when you drizzle a little balsamic on them? Man, you're in for a treat.

Ten Essentials For Your Grocery Cart

Ten Essentials For Your Grocery Cart

As you trek up and down the aisles at your local grocery store, it's easy to get distracted, resulting in throwing a plethora of unhealthy items into your shopping cart. Do you really need the processed jalapeno-cheese dip just because it's on sale? Probably not.

Combat Fat Using Flavor

Combat Fat Using Flavor

The trend of tapas and smaller dishes is growing exponetially, proving that you don't have to substitute portion size for a hearty and filling meal. As chefs across the world are able to pack more punch into tinier dishes, just a few bites of a particular plate can have you leaving the table satiated but not having to loosen your belt.

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Recipes for You and Your Company.

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Recipes for You and Your Company.

Whether you're cooking solo or for family and/or friends, it can sometimes be an ordeal. This is especially true if your day is already packed full of appointments, errands, meetings, work, and other various tasks that run you down, putting cooking on the, ahem, backburner and out of your list of top priorities. In just a half an hour from the time you cut the first veggie to the time you plate the first dish, you can be eating a hot meal that you can fool your family and friends, and perhaps even yourself, into thinking you spent hours preparing.

Healthy Lunches to Bring to Work

Healthy Lunches to Bring to Work

Fatten your wallet while trimming your waist line. Sure, the economy is in the tank and the overall population's stress-level is bubbling way beyond the brink of sanity, but that doesn't mean you can't take small personal steps to improve your quality of life. Sick of $10 salads and sandwiches on your lunchbreak? Us too. With some careful searching and a little help from our friends at, we've been able to track down a list of lunches to bring to work with you that are both budget-friendly and, most importantly, delectable to boot. (Recipe's included!)



If you have a weak stomach or perhaps subscribe to the montra that ignorance is bliss, we suggest you read on with caution. But if you're interested in knowing exactly what you're putting into your body when you eat, read on...perhaps still with caution. Our intent is not to ruin some of your favorite foods, as most all of the foods on this list are available without the additives here. This may surprise you, but did you know that:

Don't Desert the Dessert

Don't Desert the Dessert

After a good meal, there's nothing quite like satiating the palate with a good dessert. However, with all the health-conscious rhetoric flying around, the sweets after the feast can be frowned upon. They don't have to be though. So long as you're not topping off your meal with Chili's Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream (1,600 calories, 78 g fat, 215 g carbs), you can still indulge in the sweet delights. Don't believe it? Thank Men's Health for their list of the healthiest desserts a few of your favorite sweet shops and restaurants have to offer

Fat Burning Foods.

Fat Burning Foods.

It seems most everyone is concerned with trying to drop a few pounds and achieve some sweet tone around the abdominal area. Sure, with moderate to intense exercise routines, this is totally doable. But isn't a two-pronged attack even better? Sure it is! In addition to the exercises melting the pounds away, EzineArticles gives us some foods that can actually burn the fat off in your body!

Eat This, Not That: Valentine's Day Edition

Eat This, Not That: Valentine's Day Edition

With the holiday of love rapidly approaching, wanting to adorn your special someone with a feast worthy of royalty is normal, not to mention the pounds of chocolate and candy you will undoubtadly shower them with... It's easy to forget on Valentine's Day about that New Year's resolution. But nothing ruins a romantic feast like ordering like a bird. "She can have whatever she wants. Me, on the other hand...I will take the Ceasar Salad, dressing on the side, no cheese, and could you please make sure the chicken is extra lean?" Thankfully, our friends at Men's Health have compiled a handy little list of healthy foods that are romantic, too!

Oh, Peanuts.

Oh, Peanuts.

With peanut recalls through the roof, the FDA has uncovered startling new evidence behind the salmonella outbreak. Recent developments show that the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) knowingly shipped salmonella-laced products as far back as 2007. A peanut plant in Georgia shipped out chopped peanuts that they knew to be contaminated and continued to ship product before results of a second test were produced.

Junk Food That's Not

Junk Food That's Not

Sick of being shamed for eating what some call "Junk Food"? Yeah, it gets tiresome what with all the taboo about preservatives, trans fat, artificial sweetners, colors, flavors, etc. This list goes on... Well, next time you find yourself enjoying some pork rinds and someone starts hassling you to eat a carrot instead, you have cause to retort and defend yourself.