Job Tips  

  • Wear the attire that fits the job, but always dress in the proper business attire.
  Do not wear 'casual' clothes on 'casual' days unless, you are invited to by your supervisor.
  • Arrive on time or even a little bit early, especially on the first day so that you may acquaint yourself with your surroundings. If for some reason you are going to be late, do not call the client.  Call us and we will do it for you.
  • Report and introduce yourself to your supervisor immediately upon reaching the job location.
  • Personal phone calls should be avoided. If a personal call must be made, make it during an authorized break, and from an authorized phone.
  • Be ready to adjust to many different situations.
  • Be willing to work showing enthusiasm and initiative. If you run out of work, don't read the newspaper or a magazine. Go to your supervisor and find out what else needs to be done.
  • If you don't know, ask. Not knowing is NOT a reason for not doing a job or not doing it well. If the supervisor indicates they will be away from the job site for awhile, ask the supervisor from whom else you may ask questions.
  • When you leave, leave a good impression. Let your supervisor know that you enjoyed working with 
     he or she, and that you enjoyed the assignment.
  • Companies have rules. Follow them. If you are not sure, ask the supervisor, or find the employee 
     kitchen where these rules are usually posted. Also, watch the habits of other employees.