Jobs Cuts Don't Stop Amid Falling Unemployment Rates

Jobs Cuts Don't Stop Amid Falling Unemployment Rates

Reporting from Washington - U.S. workers and the Obama administration finally got some good news on the job front Friday as the unemployment rate unexpectedly tumbled out of double-digit terrain for the first time in four months.

Daily Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas

Daily Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas

What's better on a cold Winter night than a healthy portion of a spicy dish? Add a little must-see-TV, a good romantic comedy, a quality book, or maybe just some dim lights and soft music and you've got a recipe for a perfect week night. In fact, that sounds akin to Heaven at the moment. While you decide which activity sounds the best for this cold Tuesday, we'll go ahead and offer some chicken enchiladas as the eats for the evening.

Daily Recipe: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Balsamic Drizzle

Daily Recipe: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Balsamic Drizzle

We've posted a variety of "healthed-up" french fry recipes, but we thought, "Hey, one more never hurt anyone." Besides, a guilt-free take on a classic comfort food is always welcomed. And when you drizzle a little balsamic on them? Man, you're in for a treat.

7 tips for job hunting in a tougher market

7 tips for job hunting in a tougher market

There are signs of the economy recovering, but it's not going to happen overnight. It's still very tough out there for job hunters what with companies continuing to lay off versus hire. A light at the end of the tunnel does exist, we just have to wait a little longer. Here are a few tips on how to deal with the job search in the meantime.

Progress Towards AIDS Vaccine

Progress Towards AIDS Vaccine

Rutgers AIDS researchers Gail Ferstandig Arnold and Eddy Arnold may have turned a corner in their search for a HIV vaccine. In a paper just published in the Journal of Virology, the husband and wife duo and their colleagues report on their research progress. With the support of the National Institutes of Health, the Arnolds and their team have been able to take a piece of HIV that is involved with helping the virus enter cells, put it on the surface of a common cold virus, and then immunize animals with it. They found that the animals made antibodies that can stop an unusually diverse set of HIV isolates or varieties.

Energy All Day Long

Energy All Day Long

Find yourself running out of energy at roughly the same time day in, day out? Have you tried everything from more coffee and No-Doz to energy bars and splashing cold water on your face? We're going to take a guess and say none of this is working. But, go figure, this is normal. Your body clock has a way of winding itself up and down throughout the day. It needs a little kickstart at times, especially if you're crammed behind a desk for extended periods of time. Here, we cover the most common times of the day your power is sucked away and how to recover and continue on with your productive day. 7 a.m.: The Morning Fog How is it after 8 hours (give or take) of rest and relaxation are you not bouncing off the walls and instead are barely able to form a complete sentence? Blame a little something called sleep inertia. "Sleep inertia can last for up to 2 hours, although it's most severe within the first 10 minutes of waking," says Kenneth Wright, Ph.D., an assistant professor of integrative physiology at the University of Colorado. Wright and his colleagues discovered just how severe in a new study, which shows that the mental impairment caused by sleep inertia is akin to being intoxicated.

Ten Essentials For Your Grocery Cart

Ten Essentials For Your Grocery Cart

As you trek up and down the aisles at your local grocery store, it's easy to get distracted, resulting in throwing a plethora of unhealthy items into your shopping cart. Do you really need the processed jalapeno-cheese dip just because it's on sale? Probably not.

Overcome Life's Little Annoyances

Overcome Life's Little Annoyances

We've known for quite some time that stress can lead to an unhealthy life, weight gain, raised blood pressure, and a slew of other ailments that can take seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years off your life. Sure, overcoming the larger obstacles that lead to stress are easier to combat, as you can prepare for them, but what about the minor annoyances encountered everyday?

Combat Fat Using Flavor

Combat Fat Using Flavor

The trend of tapas and smaller dishes is growing exponetially, proving that you don't have to substitute portion size for a hearty and filling meal. As chefs across the world are able to pack more punch into tinier dishes, just a few bites of a particular plate can have you leaving the table satiated but not having to loosen your belt.

Extreme Interior Design

Extreme Interior Design

You can design your home, outfit a new car with customized features, put a new spin on an old recipe for dinner, pick out what you wear, choose what colors with which to color, design a cell phone plan tailored for you, and even build a computer with the exact specs you're looking for. So why not be able to design your baby? Sound crazy? Well, the owner of a fertility clinic in Los Angeles vows in 6 months picky parents will have the ability to choose their newborn's features - everything from hair and eye color to skin tone.

Best & Worst Advice From Top Diet Plans

Best & Worst Advice From Top Diet Plans

A trip to your local bookstore or even a Google search for "diet plans" will yield results beyond your wildest imagination. The sheer amount of books, advice, and information on how to diet, when to diet, where to diet, why to diet, etc. can be overwhelming. Deciphering all of the information that can, at times, seem to contradict itself is difficult. So let's take a quick look at some of the basic advice from a few top diet plans to try and clear this up. Check out the best and worst advice from

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Recipes for You and Your Company.

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Recipes for You and Your Company.

Whether you're cooking solo or for family and/or friends, it can sometimes be an ordeal. This is especially true if your day is already packed full of appointments, errands, meetings, work, and other various tasks that run you down, putting cooking on the, ahem, backburner and out of your list of top priorities. In just a half an hour from the time you cut the first veggie to the time you plate the first dish, you can be eating a hot meal that you can fool your family and friends, and perhaps even yourself, into thinking you spent hours preparing.

Healthy Lunches to Bring to Work

Healthy Lunches to Bring to Work

Fatten your wallet while trimming your waist line. Sure, the economy is in the tank and the overall population's stress-level is bubbling way beyond the brink of sanity, but that doesn't mean you can't take small personal steps to improve your quality of life. Sick of $10 salads and sandwiches on your lunchbreak? Us too. With some careful searching and a little help from our friends at, we've been able to track down a list of lunches to bring to work with you that are both budget-friendly and, most importantly, delectable to boot. (Recipe's included!)



If you have a weak stomach or perhaps subscribe to the montra that ignorance is bliss, we suggest you read on with caution. But if you're interested in knowing exactly what you're putting into your body when you eat, read on...perhaps still with caution. Our intent is not to ruin some of your favorite foods, as most all of the foods on this list are available without the additives here. This may surprise you, but did you know that:

Eating Towards a Healthy Heart

Eating Towards a Healthy Heart

The risk of a heart attack and heart disease is on the rise. A 2005 study conducted by the American Heart Association yielded the following

Diet Pill Myths Debunked

Diet Pill Myths Debunked

In today's hustle bustle world of lottery tickets and quick-fixes, it's no wonder the notion of diet pills is ever-appealing. Lose weight fast? Where do we sign up? However, are diet pills actually doing anything? Pay attention as we analyze 6 Myths (and Facts) About Weight-Loss Supplements.

Don't Desert the Dessert

Don't Desert the Dessert

After a good meal, there's nothing quite like satiating the palate with a good dessert. However, with all the health-conscious rhetoric flying around, the sweets after the feast can be frowned upon. They don't have to be though. So long as you're not topping off your meal with Chili's Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream (1,600 calories, 78 g fat, 215 g carbs), you can still indulge in the sweet delights. Don't believe it? Thank Men's Health for their list of the healthiest desserts a few of your favorite sweet shops and restaurants have to offer

Are Longer Recesses In Store for Elementary Schools?

Are Longer Recesses In Store for Elementary Schools?

...If Denver's Democratic Sen. Chris Romer has anything to say about it, yes. Romer seeks to pass legislation aimed at combating childhood obesity by adding gym, recess and physical activity back into the school day.

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

A lot can be said about a person given the way they act behind closed doors. The way one sleeps, in particular, says loads about their personality, character, and they way they interact with other people. Which of the following sleeping positions best represents the way you spend your time between the sheets? And what is it saying about you as a person? And in some case, how is it impacting your health and night's rest?

Fear Not the Drive Thru

Fear Not the Drive Thru

Sure, coworkers and friends on health kicks will give you a hard time if they see you with a fast food bag clasped in your hands. However, it's them that should be given the good-natured ribbing. Let's face it, with our busy schedules and on-the-go lifestyles, eating something other than fast food during the work week is next to impossible. Luckily, Men's Health has revealed ways to make your fast food trips not only healthy, but leaving you full and satisfied too. Here are a few examples of ways to keep fast food meals under 500 calories at some of your favorite burger, sandwich, pizza, taco, and donut places.