Beyond the pandemic is another little-known situation that has compelled hospitals to close temporarily and health care professionals to face challenging scenarios about whom to treat. Patients need blood to treat various medical conditions. The Red Cross declared its first blood shortage crisis during the recent Omicron surge. Blood donation can go up and down, but there have been bigger issues during the pandemic. Healthcare professionals always need blood to help patients recover from various healthcare issues.

Why A Critical Need?    

Ten percent of blood donations have decreased since March 2020. People avoided donating blood during Covid waves, and patients put off hospital visits. Another noteworthy aspect of blood shortages is the reduced number of individuals joining the phlebotomy occupation. The most needed blood types include Type O Positive, Type O Negative, and platelets. However, all blood classes are urgently required to stem the blood predicament. Centers should always offer incentives to get people in the door by making blood donations convenient.    

Help Save a Life    

If patients do not get blood, they could face profound health consequences. Many people need blood for life-saving medical procedures, and blood donors can do their part to help patients in need. Accepting blood donations benefits patients' survival of surgeries, cancer therapy, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. They are being treated for cancer, experiencing orthopedic surgeries, undergoing cardiovascular surgeries, and being administered for inherited blood conditions. People need healthy individuals like you to donate their blood.    

Donation Helps You     

It isn't just about those in need, but you are helped to do something good. Taking time to donate your blood benefits the donors in the multiple following ways:    

  • Decreasing the risk of having a heart attack and cancer diagnosis.    

  • A complimentary checkup for maintaining your cardiovascular health as someone checks your pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and hemoglobin.    

  • Burning calories aids in weight loss and maintains a healthy liver.    

  • Prevents Hemochromatosis, helps to retain iron levels and stimulates blood cell production. 

  • Discover your Covid anti-body count, a key indicator of how protected you are from the Coronavirus.    

Join The Call    

Many people are eligible to donate, but why is there such hesitation? Some blood donors have anxiety about the short-term effects of donating blood, from being poked with the needle to general dizziness. Staying hydrated is essential for lowering the side effects. There are misconceptions about donating blood, like getting sick or infected. You can give every 56 days (about two months), and even people with high blood pressure and cholesterol can donate. Any temporary side effects on your end pale compared to permanent issues that those in need face.   

Healthcare institutions are in a critical supply of blood, and people can help alleviate the burden medical organizations are facing. Donating blood is helpful for you, and it is even more beneficial for all the individuals who desperately require support. WSi values changing lives one person at a time, and donating blood is a way to do this. Read more about how we staff the healthcare industry here