With many things pivoting to virtual during the pandemic, telehealth is a trend that is not going away and can have a few benefits for patients and organizations. Before the pandemic, less than 2% of visits were remote. Today, it is close to 25%. With this tendency not going anywhere, here are some of the positives.


People crave the flexibility of working remotely during the pandemic, and it is a habit that will remain in the long term. You want to meet people where they are at as an organization. They will be willing to try virtual health screens, too. People have lives they are juggling and need to manage. Avoiding a trip and spending less time on their appointment will appeal to many individuals. This could benefit rural patients who lack access to quality health care, too. Logging on and off is easy. Just be prepared ahead of time.    

See More Patients     

Organizations can benefit from seeing more people during the day. Even if it can be physically and psychologically draining, back-to-back meetings online can be more efficient. A practice will be able to work with others. No more waiting for a physical space to be available to see someone. This could enhance productivity in your office. Visiting more patients can help those in need.     

Truly Beneficial  

Some have expressed concerns that this is medically beneficial and not a way to cut corners. According to the American Medical Association, around 70% of a patient's medical issues do not demand an in-person doctor visit and can be monitored virtually. People worried about telehealth appointments should be reassured that they are effective even if the doctor and patient are not in the same room. With fewer people needing to visit the hospital physically, healthcare professionals could focus on their work in the office and have a team function remotely to see patients.    

Technology Improves    

As virtual care makes technological progress, health care providers can lean into technology more over time. One thing that can be managed online today is observing hypertension and diabetes. It is anticipated that people may have their temperature by looking into a camera! Technology will continue to advance, and healthcare providers will complete more tasks and provide more patient care online.   

Has your organization considered the possibilities of a remote workforce? We have been hiring remote workers for many of our clients to meet this new demand. Since 1988, WSi has provided Colorado institutions with the best, most qualified staff. Speak to an account manager today