Mastering the best practices to follow up after a job interview is essential in our hectic era where everything is online and our attention spans are short. Back in the day, you were encouraged to mail a hand-written note. While that is still acceptable and even flattening to receive this, things can move swiftly in our instant messaging culture. You want to linger on the hiring manager’s radar, which means sending the correct email, which depends on the kind of interview. Here are five guidelines for sending that all-important follow-up email after a job interview.

1. Email After the Phone Interview.

This one can be a little complex, as it can be challenging to read body language over the phone, and you don’t want to annoy the interviewer. Phone interviews are usually the first step in the hiring process, and you must express your enthusiasm. A concise email can remind the interviewer about the affinity you had, as well as your qualifications.


2. Email After the First Interview.

Your in-person interview was encouraging and very promising; now it’s the moment to step up your game to make sure the hiring manager knows just how much you want the job and what you can bring to the team. You send an email communicating your strengths.


3. Email When You Don’t Get a Response.

This step can be difficult, especially when so many organizations ghost a candidate. Try not to take it personally. It’s not simple to know how long to expect before sending an email, but always send one if you don’t hear from the recruiter. Remind them of your skillset and double down on your interest in the role.


4. Email to Accept the Offer.

When you’ve secured an offer, if you need time to analyze it, let them know that; don’t just disregard the offer letter while you decide. Send a prompt response you would like more time to consider it over and communicate the timeframe within which you’ll make your decision.


5. Email to Decline the Offer.

This one is a career builder and a character builder, too. You don’t want to burn bridges, and you don’t want to leave the company wondering. As soon as you made your choice to decline, make sure they know. They will need to move on to the next person in line. You are provoking a delay that can negatively impact your potential future hiring, especially with a recruiting agency. When you send this email, be precise without giving more than you believe is essential. The most important thing is to reply as soon as you know.


Emails are a vital communication tool during the hiring process. By perfecting your replies’ vocabulary, tone, and timeliness, you will set yourself up for positive interactions. Even when you may have bad news to share or don’t receive a detailed reply, or are even ghosted, doing so will ensure you maintain professional relationships. For more tips on how to follow up after a job interview, contact the staffing professionals at WSi Healthcare Personnel today.