Interview Tips  

Getting off on the right foot is critical to landing the job. We hope you'll find these recommendations helpful in planning your perfect interview.

  • Plan on arriving 10 minutes before your scheduled interview time.
  • Greet the interviewer by last name. If you are unsure of the pronunciation, ask the employer to repeat it.
  • Follow the interviewer's leads, but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and duties to you early in the interview so you can apply your background, skills, and accomplishments to the position.
  • When asked: "Tell me about yourself?" Limit your answer to 1 to 2 minutes. Focus on your background and a few professional and personal accomplishments. Think "highlights".
  • Stress achievements. For example: sales records, processes developed, systems installed, etc.
  • Show enthusiasm. Enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being considered.
  • Answer questions by speaking in terms of the position. Emphasize what you can do for the company. Mention specific accomplishments that show your abilities and determination to succeed in this job. Your answers should tell the employer why you would be an asset to the company, not why you need a job.
  • Bring an extra copy of your resume.
  • Explain whenever possible; don't answer with a simple "yes" or "no."
  • Be prepared to answer such questions as:
    • Tell me about yourself.
    • Tell me about your background and accomplishments.
    • What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
    • How would you describe your most recent job performance?
    • What interests you about our company?

Thank the interviewer for their time and consideration. If you have answered the two questions: "Why are you interested in this position?" and "What can you offer?" you have done all you can.