With The Holidays behind us and the winter blues coming in full force this January, health care professionals should keep their mental health in check. And this should be done now more than ever with the uncertainty of a new Covid surge happening. Here is what you could do to make the winter months more manageable.

Get Vitamin D  

Supplements can help, but nothing beats the old-fashioned sunshine. When you need a break, go outside if the sun is poking out. Relaxing with fresh air is helpful. Vitamin D handles a more normal immune system function, helping with the growth of bones and teeth and lowering the risk of MS, heart disease, and struggling with the flu. Vitamin D plays a vital role in balancing your mood and fighting depression.  

Eating Better    

January is when people feel the need to diet, and there is some pressure and a little shame to do that. Don't be strict about eating but be mindful of certain foods and make incremental changes. This is still essential in avoiding that dreaded "d" word. Increase fruit and vegetable intake. Limiting processed foods helps your attitude and allows your body to function correctly. Cut back on sugar and alcohol. An overall more balanced diet lowers depression.   

Practice Mindfulness  

Meditation, planned visualization, yoga/palettes, or reciting prayer lower stress and anxiety and decompress from the day. Prioritize deep heavy breaths and concentrate on one thing at a time. Try to center yourself on unwinding from the day.   

Better Sleep  

Sometimes you need extra rest to re-charge. Inadequate sleep can increase the chance of depression or exacerbate symptoms by lowering stress hormone levels and generating pessimistic thinking. Enhance your sleep by taking a bath or doing leisure exercises before bed. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and especially light-emitting screens before bedtime. Now is the time to get lost in a good book.  

Arrange an Activity  

People might need time alone to get back their energy. Others need other people or activities. Looking forward to an event with a good friend is a mood booster. Taking a walk outside could be safe during the Covid winter. Also, plan a spring break or extended weekend summer trip. Focusing on the future is a method to maintain existing sanity.   

WSi recruiters are always here to process a heavy day or stressful circumstances with their placements. If you are a healthcare professional and are worried about your mental wellbeing, visit www.mhanational.org/frontline to locate needed assistance.