A job interview gives an employer time to learn about you and your qualifications. It also gives you time to show your interest in the role and gain insight into the work culture. At the end of the interview, you’ll probably be asked if you have any questions for the interviewer. Avoid these six questions that might eliminate you from the competition.

1.     What does this company do?

You should research the employer and its location before applying for a job. Something about the business should appeal to you before you submit a resume or application. Otherwise, you can quickly become dissatisfied with a business that has a mission, values, or goals that conflict with yours—or that don’t interest you. An interviewer will try to determine if you just want a job, or if you’re really interested in the business. And a question like this implies the former.  

2.     Can I work from home?

The job posting and description will state if the work can be done remotely. Asking if you can work from home can imply certain things about you—true or not—that can prevent you from getting the job. An interviewer might conclude the following:

  • you’re not enthusiastic about working with the team;

  • you’ll have difficulty working the scheduled hours; and

  • the commute is too long for you, and it’s not a good match.

3.     What other jobs are available here?

Hiring managers want to know that you’re passionate about the job you applied for. Asking about other positions suggests you’ll do any job and work anywhere. The employer might conclude that if you accept this job and another business offers you a more appealing position, you would leave the company. The time, money, and resources invested in hiring you would be wasted.

4.     When can I start using vacation time?

Asking about time off during an interview sounds as if you’re making demands before you receive a job offer. Save this question until the job is offered to you. If you have previous commitments that require time off, let the hiring manager know before you accept the position.

5.     What’s the salary for this job?

Compensation should also be discussed after you receive a job offer. Some postings include a salary range for the position. If there is a minimum salary you’ll work for, discuss it with the hiring manager. Be prepared to explain the reasons for your salary request, which might include direct experience, certification, or your current salary.

6.     What are my chances of getting this job?

This question can make an interviewer uncomfortable. It can also suggest several things about you, including:

  • Impatience;

  • lack of confidence in your abilities; and

  • inadequate skills and qualifications to handle the job

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